How different the world looks when you look through grateful eyes. Eyes that see all the beauty that is around us at any given time. With well trained, grateful eyes, I bet one could find beauty and blessings anywhere and everywhere. I am training my eyes everyday as I try and name all the beauty and blessings around me that I normally don't see. The amazing blessing that comes with seeing the beauty around us is that you can't help BUT see beauty everywhere. The more you do it the more you can't help yourself.
Every Monday, Ann at counts her blessings. I continue to follow her and find joy in this world by finding and naming the beauty around me. As a mom of three girls, 3,6,9, I am teaching them how to find the beauty everyday, everywhere and count their blessings. I love to sing my girls to sleep by singing them the song, Count Your Blessings. My favorite version is from Bing Crosby in White Christmas. Enjoy and I hope you fall asleep tonight, counting your blessings!
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